Monday, September 23, 2013

No, I Don't want to move! Alli's Heart

First of all, Thank you for all of your prayers! It was a crazy couple of days for the three of us in Costa Rica. We had a safe flight which always helps.
This was my first International trip (for me Mexico doesn’t really count when you grow up two hours north of the border). Everything was so different but wow, it’s beautiful there. Green, mountains, banana trees, pine trees and geckos. Going to Costa Rica with the idea of “I’ll probably be living here soon.”, was not easy. But 6:8 ministries has been something that I have appreciated for almost five years now. So, finally being able to see first hand the Kingdom growth was wonderful! See more what they do here,
Here are some highlights of the trip.
photo (86) We could find fruit anywhere. Kind of like finding Starbucks on every corner in California or Dunkin Donuts out here in Florida. Anything from mamonchinos, avocado’s, plantains, some of the sweetest pineapple, peppers, to strawberries. It was fun to see the idea of recognizing the farmers and the potential of Josh and I building a relationship with them.
photo (85)One day a week, Iglesia Celebration, the local Church, has a message and then these homeless men and woman will get a hot meal. One man was able to quit his addiction and return to his family. God has been working through this one ministry and it was great to be apart of it for an hour.
photo (88) photo (89)On Saturday, we went to a Village called Verbana. Josh wrote about it last week, The Joy of Change. I first heard about the poverty and third world conditions when Josh visited back in February. Though the pictures and stories were impactful it didn’t compare to seeing it first hand. In Verbana, an average of 6-10 people live in each tin shack. The houses are packed in like sardines. Not only is there hardly room to walk through the neighborhood but there’s open sewage running everywhere. During the summer, 6:8 and a team of 50 people built a house for a family in much need. To find out more about this family, click this.
Saturday mornings Iglesia Celebration with 6:8 staff host a feeding center for the Verbana neighborhood. The kids bring bowls and they are served a wonderful home cooked meal prepared by their local church. It was precious to see the staff light up when the kid came out to play. The Gospel is being preached and relationships are being built as the unloved are being loved.
photo (87)We went to the Capital, San Jose. I saw a man almost get hit by a car, twice. Due to car’s being expensive, public transportation is the main source of travel. It’s a very busy city with lots of tourism. San Jose has an interesting history but there is a very dark side….future post.
photo (84) While we were there, USA and Costa Rica had a soccer match. I enjoyed gathering with my Tico brother and sisters while we ate and watched the soccer match. We felt loved as so many people loved on Micah. We are excited to join them full time in January.

I was so thankful to finally visit and see all that God has been doing. I’m learning that a lot has changed since 6:8 moved into Alujuaita and became loving on the unloved. God is changing hearts and His Kingdom is being built.
However, I’m scared. I don’t want to pick up my family and move to a new place. I fear learning a different language, money system, new culture, the housing, being away from friends and family AND adjusting to being a family of five where everything is new…I don’t like change. But, apparently it’s good for me, because God keeps pointing me in that direction and I married someone who loves change. When I start focusing on my fears and the challenges ahead, I don’t want to talk about it and put my foot down and in my head I say, “Nope, not going! No way.” Then it hits me, “This isn’t about you, Alli. This is about Someone much greater who wants to use you for His glory!” I start thinking about loving kids in a little neighborhood, discipling people, helping the medical teams and playing in a park with children. When my focus is taken away from my fears, the joy of Kingdom work overcomes my fears. I am even more excited for the children’s ranch and the opportunity to take in kids that need a home and loving them as our own. We get to teach them about God who created them, the dirt that they walk on, the food that they eat, His unconditional love for His children and how from the beginning He planned to send His only Son to pay the price for their sins so that they can be His adopted children.  Our prayer is that they would come to believe this truth.
For this I’m grateful.

The Joy of Change

This was my 5th trip to Costa Rica and probably one of the most significant.  For the first time I was able to bring Alli and Micah with me (Caleb stayed with his Gee and Pah).  I say it was the most significant because I began to look at Costa Rica as my future home.  I looked at the local people as the people I wanted to minister with and to.  I walked through the Ghetto, stepped in dog crap, slipped in the mud, played with the kids all with the mentality of this is where I will soon be.  I was so encouraged by the missionary team that is currently ministering to Allejuita and I can’t wait to work with them during the next year during our training.
I had many emotions this trip but the one that kept on surfacing was joy. Joy filled my heart to see my wife feed children at the local feeding center.  Joy filled my heart to see Micah pushed around in a fruit cart as we walked around the neighborhood. Joy filled my heart as I heard the stories of how God is blessing the ministry.  Joy filled my heart as I heard the stories of people’s salvation.  Joy filled my heart as we planned and talked about moving into a neighborhood in the heart of the ministry for the first year.  Joy filled my heart as I thought about the opportunity of having Tico children in our family.
Joy fills my heart as I think about this next year.  It will easily be the hardest year of our lives so far.  It was easy during this trip to start feeling afraid of the task set before us but we take rest and comfort in the Lord (Psalm 23).  Please pray for us as we try to line up a place to live so we can move early January.  We trust that the Lord will provide the rest of what we need to be there long term.
Know that the Gospel is being preached, stomachs are being filled, homes are being built and disciples are being made all in the name of Christ.  I anxiously await the day my family moves to the ranch and I go from having 3 kids to having 8 to 10!  This trip continued to excite me about the ranch and the important role it will play in so many children’s lives.  There are so many children living in such poor conditions with little to no adult interaction.  Alli and I have been called to give some of these children the joy of having a family. Not only will they have a family but they will hear the gospel, see loving parents, know discipline, go to school, be bi-lingual, learn trades and hopefully grow to the conformity of Christ.  We are honored to take on this task and therefore give up what we know here in the states for the good of the Gospel.
photo-3On Saturdays we go to a village called Verbena to host a feeding for the poor. Verbana, is filled with 80% of illegal Nicaraguan people with no job, no health care and scrap metal houses.                                                        
This park was just renovated by a team of Gringos this year.  The park is right next to a community building where we will be hosting a discipleship program for Children through the local church.
houseJoin with us in prayer as we seek to rent this house.  This is directly in front of the community center and next to the park.  It’s small but the ministry opportunity would be great.  We will learn a lot about the culture and language by planting ourselves in the heart of a neighborhood.  Plus we will be in the center of the neighborhood we plan to minister to.